Skin Supplements that Will Help You Get that Vibrant, Healthy Skin

by | Feb 16, 2021 | Tips & Tricks

It’s no secret that great skin is more than just washing your face. We’ve gone through it plenty of times… it takes a healthy lifestyle and a solid skincare routine to truly obtain vibrant skin year-round. We’ve talked about the importance of vitamins, but in the winter, sometimes we simply just can’t seem to get that vitamin intake right. Whether it’s a result of dreary weather or lack of fruits and vegetables available, it happens, and that’s okay! We’ve got the solution: supplements.

When you think of a supplement, you might immediately think of a bulked-up man that goes to the gym way more than the average person. Well, don’t be mistaken! There are supplements for lots of things, and they can be really beneficial to your health (and skin). Vitamins A, C, D, K, and B5 are some of the best vitamins for great skin, and we get a lot of great benefits from each one.


However, vitamin D can be harder to come by when the sun seems to barely out in the winter now (*ahem, looking at you February weather*). Not to mention that most of us are barely seeing the outdoors as of late given the pandemic and working from home, so a lack of Vitamin D is more than likely an issue for all of us! A Vitamin D supplement can be extremely beneficial for making the skin brighter and bettering one’s immunity against infections, and a supplement is the quickest way to getting rid of that deficiency.

Vitamin d from the sun

Now, some of the other vitamins I mentioned above are best found in nutrient-dense foods like many fruits and vegetables. I can preach as much as I want about a good and balanced diet, but sometimes things just don’t work out that way! I am not saying that taking a supplement for vitamins found in food is a replacement, but it is something to do in addition to eating right! However, taking a supplement could help prepare you for that better diet, because once you see the results in your skin from increasing one’s vitamin intake, you’ll never go back! Anyways, supplements can be beneficial because even though these veggies are great sources of skin nutrients, a supplement can pick up the slack from what our bodies cannot produce.

Luminessence offers a huge variety of supplements that can aid you in your journey for flawless skin and overall, a healthier life. Our representatives would be more than happy to walk you through the basics and choose a supplement plan that best aids YOU. Personalization is key, and a consultation with one of our employees is the best way to get the best results.