The Culprit of Your Sudden Breakouts: Maskne

by | Nov 5, 2020 | Tips & Tricks

There has never been a topic that I relate to more than this one… acne from wearing a face mask (aka maskne). The struggle is so real, so where do I even start? Well, I think this is something we all probably need some pointers on given the fact that masks are our new normal for now! Okay, but for the times when we are not wearing masks, how are we supposed to get rid of those stubborn little pimples?

Let’s see, folks!


Okay, first things first. We need to know what exactly about the mask is causing the sudden breakouts on our lower face area. In the simplest terms, when we wear our masks for prolonged amounts of time, we obviously are generating more heat and friction. When this is combined with a moisture-filled environment (from talking, breathing, sweating, etc) it is the literal perfect recipe for a breakout. Our pores are more likely to get clogged and pimples will appear, but there is also the strong possibility that you’ll experience dry, itchy skin as well when sweating a lot while wearing a mask.


men Acne

Now we need to figure out how the heck we’re going to prevent this maskne. Obviously, not wearing a mask is not an option! It is more valuable to protect others and yourself than saving yourself from a few pimples. However, it is important to keep this area super clean for not only appearances but for your own health too!



Guys, it may seem like common sense by now, but I have got to say it. Just as we need to wash our hands, we need to wash our face super well in order to keep ourselves healthy and clean. Moisturizer is also a huge helper in this maskne preventive effort because when your face is properly moisturized, it won’t under- or over-compensate. Let’s make the work easier for your skin, and just wash and moisturize your face!


2. Mask up, Makeup off

Now, I will be honest with you. I don’t ever wear makeup so this one isn’t much of a change for me. However, if you are still going through the major efforts of putting makeup on your face when you know your mask will be on for long periods of time… oh honey, you’re making it worse! I hate to break it to you, but your makeup will only make matters worse when wearing a mask. If you do plan on wearing makeup below the mask, we suggest those products labeled as “non-comedogenic” (aka they are specifically made to not clog pores).


3. Wash Your Masks

Lastly, you should wash your masks! Yes, that’s right, wash them! Just as your face needs cleaning, so do your fabric masks. It removes oils and skin cells that have collected on the interior of the mask. This can totally lead to breakouts because of all those extra particles. Just make sure to follow your mask’s washing instructions, and if you can wash them in hot water, then that’s your best option! Keep it clean!


Well folks, those were three easy steps you can take RIGHT NOW to prevent your maskne. We know COVID-19 is no fun, but at least we can say we are alive and here today! Don’t forget, mask up, and wash your face!

acne from masks