Topical C: Benefits Beyond Compare

by | Feb 25, 2020 | Tips & Tricks

We have all heard it before: get your vitamin C in… you need your vitamin C… etcetera. Well, people aren’t just saying it because they want to; vitamin C is one of the essential nutrients for the human body. Therefore, we totally need it! Vitamin C is an antioxidant and supports collagen synthesis. What does this mean? This means vitamin C can greatly improve your skin health! So, topical vitamin C is theorized to be an age-preventing agent, preserve pigmentation, and lessen sun damage.

Now, who the heck wouldn’t want to take advantage of this? I know I’ll be looking more into vitamin C immediately after this.

Okay, so I have discussed a few of the functions of this great little nutrient, but to convince you further, here is a little bit more about vitamin C.

You may know this already, but vitamin C is also commonly known as ascorbic acid, and it is present in citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons. But, did you know that a bell pepper actually has more vitamin C than an orange? The more you know!

Anyways, since vitamin C functions as an antioxidant, it helps protect the immune system, aids in disease prevention, and help support wound healing. This all means that it is super helpful in preserving your smooth, bouncy, beautiful skin for a long time. Now, even though it is found in foods, if you really want to reap the benefits, you should consider using topical serums of vitamin C. There are many different forms with different benefits, so let’s go through a couple of the popular topical serums.

Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate is a form of topical vitamin C that can easily penetrate the skin (aka can get those benefits rocking!) It is known to be able to better hydrate the skin and therefore decreases skin water loss. It also can help increase collagen production.

Sodium ascorbyl phosphate is a gentle topical form of vitamin C and can be useful for those with more sensitive skin. It provides antioxidant protection and is also great for battling acne and other skin blemishes.

Remember that there are many forms of topical vitamin C, and it should be noted that everyone’s vitamin C needs are different, so talking to an expert at Luminessence is highly recommended. We would be more than happy to help you choose the right product for your situation.

Featured image credit: Olive Skin Beauty